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Friday, June 10, 2011

Yurij of the Sextant Myth Cloth Saint Seiya custom 六分儀座

This is one of the great fanarts I've given action figure life with a X-23 I had on the fodder box. This is Yurij of the constellation of the Sextant, Knight of Athena.

This is the original fanart by Brito;


  1. Fata Ainafetse25/8/18

    Love your work; it is really difficult to make details on armour

    What material do you use? It really feats the style.

    1. Many thanks. For this custom I used Magic Sculp, it is a very good material, but I became allergic to it, and so now I only use Aves Apoxie (I recommended you the aluminium-steel version, more expensive but better than the other colours).
