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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ramrod 13" Transformable! (Saber Riders) Custom Action Figure

Probably, and absolutely, my most complex custom ever. I was asked to do a custom Ramrod, and if possible transformable. I replied that yes, it could be possible, and then embarked in a terrible odyssey, in which many times I thought I couldn't pull it off. The sheer size, weight, and complexity was tremendous. My main error was in choosing the base figure, as I am sure there were many better ones. I went for a Power Rangers Zord, as seemed quite similar, tall as it should have, with a decent price, and not far away. Question is that it was missing key articulations, and I should have found an actual Transformers that could really transform already into something similar. Anyway, after much looking at it, I thought of using DVD cases. Bad thing is that those don't stick to anything man has devised. So I had to sand, and sand, use molten plastic, the lot. I casted the nose of a knockoff Transformers, which ended up being tremendously heavy, using Bionicle parts to move it into place, model kit parts, fodder spice pots for jets, casted tracks from a Montaplex tank, etc. The original had light, so I incorpored that into the design as the character justly had a red light in the middle. Took forever to make. I was months at it, configuring and reconfiguring everything.

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