Back accepting orders again!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

King Micah (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure

 Here is King Micah, father of Glimmer in the princess of power series. A recurring character, and a perfect candidate for a MOTUC custom figure :) . Done on order for a good client. Most complex was getting the arms right, as they were very tight and produced paint rub.

Recipe; superman figure, king randor modified head, chap mei sword.

#custom #customfigure #actionfigure #argentacustoms
#motu #motuc #motuclassics #heman #skeletor #eternia
#filmation #evilmaster
#mastersoftheuniverse #evilhorde
#hordak #shera #king micah glimmer

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Baron Condore (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure

 And here is another very obscure MOTU character, Baron Condore, appearing in She-Ra's cartoon. Challenging again, due to it's size and looks.

After careful examination, I thought a Hulk wouldn't pass the cut, so I used another Marvel body. Armour made out of foamy.

Base figure Thanos Hasbro, wrestler head, hm armed forces hands, pirates of the caribbean sword

Inspector Darkney (Masters of the Universe) Custom Action Figure

 I have found a bit of time to share my latest customs ;) . This is Inspector Darkney, an obscure character appearing in She-Ra cartoon. A sort of inspector of Horde Prime, something very horde-esque :) .

I tried to get the best base figure, it was rather challenging as it needed to be MOTUC sized, but slim and skinny. I am very happy how he turned out, as it was a difficult custom to make look like the original.

Full recipe; neca foot soldier, legolas boots, power rangers hands, starman cloak, horde logo dragstor, nick fury secondary head marvel legends