Back accepting orders again!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Ren Star Wars Black Series 6" custom figure

Here is another 6" Star Wars custom, this time Ren. I used a WWE wrestler to give him a bit extra bulk, and some soft goods to make it more Hasbro-esque.

#starwars #custom #customfigure #6inch #hasbro #blackseries #georgelucas #disney #ren



Thursday, January 23, 2025

Penance Generation X Marvel Legends Custom Figure

 Here is Penance of Generation X, in her black suit. One of the more interesting and different characters, and one of my favourites of this era. It was difficult how to make her, in the end I was inspired by Jin Saotome to use foamy for her hair (with his Mephisto custom I happen to own :) ) and I used special black tape, thoroughly varnished afterwards through every inch of the figure to get the best result possible. The curious story of this custom is that he was declared lost by USPS, and remained in limbo for about 3 months, until miraculously it was found and reshipped by the own postal service.

#custom #customfigure #argenta #argenta2008 #marvel #marvellegends #stanlee #marvelcomics #comicbook #hasbro #actionfigure #customactionfigure #marvellegendscustom #marvellegendscustoms #penance #mutant #generationx

Skin Generation X Marvel Legends custom figure

Here it is Skin, the mutant of Generation X made in his iconic costume. It was a challenging custom but I am happy how he turned out. The curious story of this custom is that he was declared lost by USPS, and remained in limbo for about 3 months, until miraculously it was found and reshipped by the own postal service. Nobody beats Generation X! 

  #custom #customfigure #argenta #argenta2008 #marvel #marvellegends #stanlee #marvelcomics #comicbook #hasbro #actionfigure #customactionfigure #marvellegendscustom #marvellegendscustoms #skin #mutant #generationx


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Punisher 2099 Marvel Legends custom figure

Happy 2025 to all! we are back to work customizing. Sharing here one of the last customs of 2024, Punisher 2099 in al his 90s glory. We are not so far from 2099 now! and seems increasingly more plausible Marvel's vision for the future!

#custom #customfigure #argenta #argenta2008 #marvel #marvellegends #stanlee #marvelcomics #comicbook #hasbro #actionfigure #customactionfigure #marvellegendscustom #marvellegendscustoms #punisher2099 #2099


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Jedi Guardian Star Wars custom figure SWTOR the Old Republic

 This is the Jedi Guardian, a class of warrior in the videogame SWTOR. A interesting and cool design. Most complex was doing his hood and jedi robes, which I achieved using a special polyester fabric painted over for effects.

#starwars #custom #customfigure #375 #118 #hasbro #kenner #jediguardian #swtor #theoldrepublic #customfigurestarwars

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Bengal 7" Marvel Legends custom figure

Here is Bengal, in modern style :) , like the Invasion comics of Bendis. Muscular and powerhouse, hence done in 7" while in the style of Hasbro's Legends. More or less same design as my first version I did with a Toybiz yellowjacket, but refined all around. As a curiosity, I had to wait for the grass to unfreeze to be able to take the exterior jungle pic :)

#custom #customfigure #argenta #argenta2008 #marvel #marvellegends #stanlee #marvelcomics #comicbook #hasbro #actionfigure #customactionfigure #bengal

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Walter "Doc" Hartford Galaxy Rangers Custom figure

This is Walter "Doc" Hartford, one of the main characters of Galaxy Rangers. Was asked to do him over a Bravestarr body, which took vast amounts of sanding and cutting, and engineering to make his accesories fit. This is my second custom in this style. Most complex was doing his hat, as always, to make it look natural and fit took more time than some easy customs do! #custom #customfigure #argenta #argenta2008 #dochartford #galaxyrangers #bravestarr